Heading out for a vacation on your own can be both terrifying and liberating. Flying solo through uncharted territory can make you feel as though you are completely liberated from the rest of the world. Not having someone to explore that territory with, however, can leave you feeling a bit vulnerable at times. In order to help you feel a bit more at ease with the idea of traveling solo, we have put together a short list of advantages to traveling without companions.
1. You can set your own itinerary
When you are traveling on your own, you do not have to go through the hassle of coordinating schedules with anyone else or even selecting your itinerary for the day. If you feel like sleeping in until noon before heading out to grab a mixed drink while hanging out on the beach all day, you can do just that. If you feel like spending the entire day at an art museum examining the one piece of art that inspired you to backpack through Europe, you can do that as well. Either way, your itinerary is in your hands or you have the freedom to do as you wish.
2. You can eat when and where you want
If you are in the mood to eat sushi at the same restaurant for every meal of your trip, you do not have to clear the choice with anyone. There is no arguing with someone about what time to eat or how much of something you should or should not be consuming. As a solo traveler, you are free to eat leaning over your bathroom sink, at the poolside bar, or in the café at the corner.
3. You can blend in with the locals
When you are traveling on your own, you can blend right into the local crowd. Find a festival, a local pub, a market or some other local known space and explore it. Get to know the shop keepers, the bartenders, the man who runs the newspaper stand—the people you encounter on a day-to-day basis. Take the time to learn their back stories and the experiences they have had in their lifetime. If you want to get to know a place, get to know the people who call it home.
This is a short list of reasons why traveling solo can be a fun and liberating opportunity. What benefits would you add to the list?
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